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Hospice Coding and QA Services

Let’s put an end to hospice coding challenges so you can focus on patient care.

Managing the complexity of hospice coding for timely submission can prove challenging. Our hospice coding services ensure fast, error-free claim submissions.

Similar to the services we provide for Home Health Agencies, our services for Hospice in Colorado include:

  • Coding
  • HIS (Admission, Recertification, and Discharge) Review
  • POC Review and/or Creation
  • IDT Meeting Participation
  • IDT Meeting Form Completion
  • Comprehensive Review and Audit of all Concurrent Documentation


Strive for excellence in hospice coding

Our highly qualified coders in Colorado stay up-to-date with the latest PDGM guidelines from CMS, guaranteeing accurate, compliant coding that maximizes reimbursement and enhances patient care efficiency.

HIS (Admission, Recertification And Discharge) Review

We will help your agency in Colorado get ahead of the game.

Our Coding and QA department can elevate your agency’s coding approach and accurately evaluate the quality of your current HIS(Hospice) process.

  • Comprehensive HIS and Plan of Care Review of Admission, Recertification, and Discharge
  • Overall and Concurrent Clinical Documentation Review
  • Appropriate, Valid, and Reimbursable PDGM and PDPM Diagnosis Codes
POC Review and Creation

We review and create a comprehensive and patient-specific POC within the 5-day time frame.

IDT Meeting Participation and IDT Meeting Form Completion

We attend IDT Meetings along with the Medical Director and Clinicians from different disciplines and present the summary of changes in the patient’s condition during the past 15 days for POC update, if applicable and necessary.[RE1]  [RE1]Confusing this contents

Concurrent Document Review

Concurrent Document Review includes, but is not limited to:
Medical Records – Patient Profile, Admission Consent, H&P, Progress Note, F2F, Referral, etc.
Physician Certification of Terminal Illness
Clinical Review for Support of Hospice Eligibility
Nursing, Therapy, MSW, HHA Visit Notes
Physician Order
Communication Log
Medication Profile
60-Day Summary
Infection Report
Incident Report

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